I am Every Woman!!!!

Inspired from Whitney’s song… I am every woman! And today is the official woman’s day! So Happy Us! To every woman in the world!

I am not a feminist, but I do admire us!!! Hahaha…this just sound very feministic… so what? Mother, wife, grandmother, friend, employed and so many other occupations. One person too many roles! We are definitely persons with a great strength and will and we might do so many things simultaneously and get tired, but if there is a need or if we just decide it, we can do much more! And that’s why I admire us!

So today, since it is our official day, do nothing… or even better do everything that care for. Make a great gift to yourself… go out with friends or stay at bed, go for a spa, buy a dress or accessories, go a short walk or a small excursion and last but not least… order something to eat or go to a restaurant!!!! Do nothing that will make you tired! Hahahaha

Have a great day my friends! I salute you with this great song by Whitney Hiouston...

I am every woman


  1. Thank you for the post Zina!

    I am a woman, hear me roar

  2. Great post Zina!
    happy Woman's Day ladies!! Let's enjoy!

  3. Wonderful post Zina! Happy Woman's Day!

  4. This post is so sweet Zina!!
    Girl power makes the world go round :)

  5. Clap clap! Lovely post! Hurray to the women!

  6. Beautiful as it’s written for women.. from a woman! ♥
    Thank you girl, let’s all stick together and let the men try to catch up! ;-)


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